In the last year or so we’ve had an increased demand for color. While we’ve often incorporated subtle hints of it here and there, for some the focus has shifted to brighter, louder hues. From rugs to custom dining chairs to colorful wall decor, I will walk you through a few projects we’ve recently delivered with tons of colorful items.

When we began this project, we were asked to bring in some intensity. Having worked with these clients in the past, we knew that a few colorful flowers and cushions just wouldn’t cut it. Knowing that the sectional would be a neutral color, our immediate thought was to bring in some brightness below it and on top of it. This silky raspberry area rug and whimsical decorative cushions liven up the room for this young family.

It’s important to notice that this living room’s strong character comes from it’s accessories and rug, which means the overall feel can be entirely redone by switching these! Despite being very colorful, there is no compromise to the room’s versatility.

The advantage of going with a custom dining chair is that you can have fun with the fabric selection. We love how we were able to do a collage with these chairs using a solid blue velvet on the inside, and a bold pattern on the outside.

Next up, is a room which is almost always the most colorful in the whole house: the children’s bedroom(s). We think it’s very important to let your child have a say in the corner of the house that will truly be theirs, and that means they can get creative!

When we were asked by our client’s daughter to make her feel like she’s under the sea, we painted the ceiling blue of course!

In this bedroom, in addition to having some color in the rug and cushions, we used the table lamps and curtains to our advantage in order to really make the room pop!

When your library looks this good, you can be sure books will be read, homework will be done, and many memories will be made. Can we take a moment and appreciate the amazing color coordination of our client’s books? Not only do the different tonalities make the room feel more alive, but they also make it look very organized and clean!

Black and white photography has always been a hit in the design realm but Angela, our very own photographer, naturally requested to display her amazing work with this beautiful array of colors which respond so well with the beautiful curtains and upholstery throughout the room.

Whether it’s in your curtains, furniture, decorative accessories, wall colour, or art,
there’s always creative ways of introducing colour.
As always, thank you for reading!
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