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Le design avec intention

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Bienvenue chez LUX decor

Notre équipe travaille fort pour vous offrir de la magie et trouver des solutions efficaces aux défis de design. Ensemble, nous trouvons des solutions qui font preuve d’audace! Si vous nous suivez sur les réseaux sociaux, vous reconnaîtrez peut-être certains de ces visages.

Nos services

En commençant par une conversation, nous évaluons tous vos besoins en matière de design et nous nous chargeons de choisir tous les éléments de décor pour le ou les espaces. Ensuite, la magie opère !

Service complet de décoration
Rénovation à service complet

Que ce soit pour une rénovation complète, une extension ou une nouvelle construction, découvrez comment nous pouvons vous aider à gérer votre projet et à donner vie à vos idées de conception.

Vous cherchez à compléter le décor de votre espace ? Rencontrez une équipe de design d’intérieur pour obtenir des recommandations et des ressources afin de mener votre propre projet de décoration.

In studio consultation

Êtes-vous un professionel en design?

Notre programme de designers Affiliés LUX s’adresse à tous les professionnels du design, notamment les designers d’intérieur, les décorateurs d’intérieur, les «home stagers», les organisateurs de maisons, ainsi que les étudiants en design.

Nos derniers blogues

Demeurez à jour sur les conseils de design, les tendances, les astuces et plus. Notre blogue a de tout: comment faire un budget pour votre pièce jusqu’aux astuces pour décorer une bibliothèque.

Magasinez LUX

Notre boutique en ligne propose des milliers de produits, notamment meubles, luminaires, tapis, produits de cuisine et de salle de bains, miroirs, décorations, et notre propre marque interne : LUX Essentials.

Dernières publications Instagram

As the kitchen is often referred to as the heart of the home, it’s a space we go to gather, get creative, nourish ourselves and so much more. Embrace the beauty of your kitchen by keeping it organized and let the little details and finishes shine bright.

Design by LUX decor

Flooring is the unsung hero of interior design, setting the stage for every element that follows. @PlanchersBarwoodPilon delivers not only on quality hardwood @MirageFloors, but also unparalleled customer service, ensuring your installation is seamless and the finished product makes your decor pop.
1- Your design’s foundation
We understand that choosing the right hardwood flooring is paramount... The finish, colour, and width of your planks can transform a space, adding depth, warmth, and character. Needless to say, flooring is the foundation and can completely change how your design looks and feels.
2- Setting the tone
As customer service is often undervalued, there is oftentimes a lot of focus on the finished product rather than the journey to getting there. The reason why we work with Barwood Pilon on a lot of our projects is that they have a proven track record of providing excellent customer care from A to Z. Trusting that timelines will be respected sets the tone for how the rest of the design comes together.
3- Lifestyle
Beyond aesthetics, considerations like foot traffic and soundproofing are crucial, especially in multi-level homes or condominiums. That’s why consulting with specialists is key. Choosing the right flooring that adapts to your lifestyle will minimize disruptions to others, and improve your quality of life.
Bottom line... flooring is important, and all aspects must be considered. Behind every project, there is a lot of thought on design, but also technical and lifestyle aspects, as well as an installation timeline. As we tend to manage large projects, it’s important that we trust our trades, and know that they’ll deliver on time with minimal hiccups.
At our Essex Project, we opted for a stunning brushed white oak flooring in White Mist, a choice that perfectly complements the spaces.
Design by LUX decor
Hardwood flooring by @miragefloors supplied by @planchersbarwoodpilon

We are many of these things and so much more! 🤝

Designs by LUX decor

Things you need to know… part 3! ...

At LUX, we believe in the essence of home – it’s not about size, but the feeling it evokes. Let’s create spaces that inspire and nurture the soul.

Design by LUX decor

Dark woods are in.

Design by LUX decor

We’re a bit late to the party, but we had to recreate this trend because it’s too fun! 🥳 ...